Prayer Chapel: Ideas for Prayer Stations


One of the ways we’ve found of providing guided payer experiences is through prayer chapel nights. We’ll set up 5-8 stations that invite people into different prayer moments in a space like our church’s sanctuary. Then we announce a time block when the space will be open, and invite people to come and go as they wish.

There are a few advantages to this kind of event. First, because people work through the stations at their own pace, it can be both very accessible to people at different stages of their prayer journey. Since some of the stations are typically tactile and physical, there is usually something even for families with younger children. On the other hand, people who wish to deeply dwell at. station can take their time and often have a very moving time of prayer.

A second advantage is that this is the sort of experience that provides a layer of guidance while allowing people to take it wherever the spirit leads them. In other words, there is enough structure to help people begin, and with a direction, but the structure isn’t stifling—and we love things that have that balance of structure and freedom!

A third advantage is that this is the sort of event that can be both communal, but deeply personal as well. It’s both something we’re doing together while being invited into a deeper part of our personal spiritualities.

The file below has signs for some of the stations we’ve used over the last few events…and if you have ideas, we’d love for you to share them and we’ll add them to our list!

(Note: we usually have fun setting up the atmosphere for these sorts of events! A little candlelight and atmospheric music goes a long way!)

